January 14
Devotion: Stingy, tight, selfish, cheap, close-fisted. I would venture a guess that these are words you wouldn’t want associated with your character. Could you imagine going to a funeral and hearing, “Here lies ____, the most self-centered person I’ve ever met.” Sounds a bit dramatic, but unfortunately that’s the reality of some people's lives. God is a giver. He is the epitome of generosity. And it’s His desire that we would reflect His heart of generosity to a greedy world. While generosity certainly includes finances, giving is not limited to monetary exchanges. Your time, your talent, and your treasures are all gifts from God. As freely as you have been given those gifts, freely give. The only way to fight against a prideful, stingy heart is to recondition it by giving.
Reflection: Considering how I’ve spent my time, talent, and treasures, if I were to look at my giving habits over the last year, could I say that I was a good steward?
Prayer: God, help me become more generous. I know that the more I practice selfless giving, the more I will become like You. Help me to never overlook a need that I can meet. Holy Spirit, help me steward what has been given to me well.