Day One

Day One

January 7, 2024
Prayer focus - Repentance

Scripture - “Repent therefore, and turn again, that your sins may be blotted out.” - Acts 3:19

“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” - 1 John 1:9

Devotion - In the original language, repentance literally means to “turn away.” The first message Jesus preached started with the word “repent” (Matthew 3:2). Repentance is far from just an apology or a simple acknowledgment of wrongdoing. Repentance is God’s tool of divine redirection; an opportunity to re-route; a subtle, still small voice encouraging a u-turn. God has wired us to be sorrowful for actions that break His heart (conviction), but is life change truly possible if feelings of sorrow are as far as it goes? Repentance is the doorway into the fullness of joy that Jesus offers. God utilizes the feelings associated with conviction to show us how far off we are and how much we need His guidance.

Reflection - Is there anything that I need to repent of?

Prayer - Jesus, examine every area of my life. My thoughts, my actions, my intentions, my motives, and my desires. Anything in me that is not like You, point out to me. Help me live a lifestyle of repentance. I confess my sins (list out specific areas the Holy Spirit brings to your attention). I turn away from my sin and turn towards Your Truth. Thank You for Your forgiveness and correction, Jesus.

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