Day Fourteen

Day Fourteen

January 20, 2024
Prayer focus - Patience

Scripture - “By your patience possess your souls.” - Luke 21:19

Devotion - We all have moments when our patience virtually runs dry. Sometimes we run out of patience for ourselves, more frequently it runs out with other people, and, in all honesty, most of us often grow impatient with where we are in life. The Bible says that patience is a fruit of the Spirit and a sign that someone trusts God, even when life isn’t going the way we would prefer. A lack of patience can cause all kinds of hardships, which is pretty ironic because the tough truth is that frustrations, hardships, setbacks, and heartaches are all tools used to help us grow in patience. Over time, we can look back over trying seasons and see God’s hand comforting us in the midst of everything that was working against us. It never feels great in the heat of the battle, but praise God for what is produced in us as a result of things that we face.

Reflection - What things in life tend to get me flustered, frustrated, and impatient? What could God be teaching me through those things?

Prayer - God, I submit my impatient attitude to You. I pray that You would convict me and correct me when I find myself growing in frustration. Help me see all things working together for my good. Help me embrace and even rejoice when trials of various kinds come my way (James 1:2).

1 Comment

Bob Vipperman - January 14th, 2023 at 10:18pm

Needed this Thursday. Great message. I received a speeding ticket in South Charleston and was not very nice to the officer. Now I have to go to mayor's court, pay my fine and apologize for my behavior. Maybe next time I will remember this lesson!