Day Fifteen

Day Fifteen

January 21, 2024
Prayer focus - Rest

Scripture - “Then Jesus said, Let’s go off by ourselves to a quiet place and rest awhile.” - Mark 6:31

Devotion - Does rest even seem possible for you? Jesus sent His best friends on a tiresome journey, yet He knew the first thing needed upon their return. His disciples would be laughed at, treated unfairly, and more than likely not have a place to lay their heads. After being filled up and empowered by the words of the Savior, they began to pour out across the region what had been poured into them. Jesus then welcomed His friends back after their journey. I can hear it now. “Great job. I am so proud of you. I know there is still work left to do. I know people are coming to hear the good news. You must be hungry and your souls must be drained. Before we continue with this great work, let’s rest a while.” We know when our cell phone is running low, it gives us a warning. We know just how long we have until that battery runs out. We move heaven and earth to make sure we get to a charger before it dies. What would life look like if we were that cautious with our souls? Do you ever feel guilty for taking time away to regroup and recharge? Listen to what our Lord says as he welcomes us into that same place where grace flows, and where the Holy Spirit recharges.

Reflection - God created us body, soul, and spirit. On a scale of 1 - 100 how “charged” are each of those areas?

Prayer - Help me walk in the fullness of the grace that rest offers. Help me understand the warning signs of my soul. Teach me to rest in you.

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