Day Eleven

Day Eleven

January 17, 2024
Prayer focus - Worship

Scripture - "But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship Him." - John 4:23

Devotion -  Worship, when broken down into ‘worth-ship,’ gives us a greater understanding of the word. As ‘worth-ship,’ we realize that worship is any act of expression that communicates God's worth according to us. Everything that we do gives a glimpse into our belief of who God is and what He’s worth. The way we live, the way we work, the way we treat others, all of these and more depict and show our valuation of God. Two means of worship include our actions and attitude. Some actions of worship are lifting hands, kneeling, serving, and giving offerings. It’s important to note, however, that actions of worship can be self-manufactured and disingenuous. Our attitude in worship, however, is the most telling. Living sacrificially, doing all things well, treating others kindly, and our devotion to God in private reveal our heart’s intent. And while God’s worth-ship is never up for debate or discussion - He is most worthy of all glory, all praise, all honor, and all worship - our response to His worth-ship is dependent upon our knowledge of His goodness, and majesty. So, how do you value God?

Reflection - Do my work ethic, generosity, attitude towards others, and expressions in corporate worship accurately reflect what God means to me?

Prayer - God, You are worthy. I want to live a lifestyle of worship. Holy Spirit, help me genuinely reflect who You are and what You mean to me in both my actions and my attitude.

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