Day Twenty

Day Twenty

January 26, 2024
Prayer focus - Hunger

Scripture - “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.” - Matthew 5:6

Devotion - Hunger is the way that our bodies let us know that we are empty. We instinctively know exactly what we need to do to satisfy that hunger. Just as our physical bodies experience hunger, so do our spirits. We are cautious with what we allow to satisfy our physical hunger. We need to be all the more mindful as to what we allow our spirits to feed on. Food is fuel. In the same way, the Word of God and prayer fuel our spirits. The Kingdom of God, which is spiritual, is always backward to this physical world. Physically, we eat food when we are hungry to fill us up. Take that method in reverse. To become hungry for things of the spirit, we actually have to consume spiritual things like The Word of God. It produces in us a hunger for the things of God.

Reflection - How hungry am I for the things of God?

Prayer -  I want to hunger for the only thing that will bring true satisfaction to a starved soul. That is You, Jesus. Help me as I read your Word to grow in my desire to know You better.

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