Day Eight

Day Eight

January 14, 2024
Prayer focus -  Freedom

Scripture - “So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free.” - John 8:36

Devotion - Freedom can never be fully understood until there is an acknowledgment of bondage. Understanding the freedom that Jesus offers can be seen as both immediate and progressive. The immediate reality following salvation is a release from the penalty of sin. The progressive reality of salvation is accomplished through sanctification, or our ongoing submission to the Holy Spirit's work in our lives. The story of the nation of Israel’s release from captivity in the Old Testament gives us a picture of Christ’s work in our lives spiritually. The Israelites were released from Egypt (salvation). Then, immediately following their release, they were led through a wilderness (sanctification). And although the people were physically free from Egypt, Egypt was still in their hearts and was on display through their thoughts, attitudes, and disobedience. God wanted to not only get His people out of Egypt, but He wanted to get Egypt out of His people, too. God is still in the business of setting people free today, and you are a candidate!

Reflection - In what area(s) of my life do I need the Holy Spirit to help me find freedom in?

Prayer - Holy Spirit, You are my helper, teacher, and comforter. I want You to examine every thought, attitude, and area of my life. Thank You for setting me free from my past hurts, habits, and hang-ups. Thank You for releasing me today from anything that hinders me in my walk with You!

1 Comment

Bryona Hudson - January 8th, 2023 at 10:58am

I have really been needing this lately. Thank you for sharing