Day Nineteen

Day Nineteen

January 25, 2023
Prayer focus - Purpose

Scripture - “Now when David had served God’s purpose in his own generation, he fell asleep; he was buried with his ancestors and his body decayed.” - Acts 13:36

Devotion - I’ve noticed personally one of the hardest things in life is trying to navigate a difficulty without purpose. There’s seemingly no way to persevere, and not give up as soon as a setback comes. Discouragement sets in like a cancer. Life seems meaningless, and mundane every day that you wake up without purpose. Your efforts towards any finish line will continually rest on moment-by-moment feelings. God created us on purpose and for a purpose. The Bible says David served God’s purpose in his own generation. Your existence right now isn’t happenstance. How depressing would it be to go to the grave having no clue of God’s purpose for your life? Or worse, knowing His purpose for your life is available and then never tapping into it. God created you on purpose and for a purpose! He’s not hiding it; He’s simply waiting for you to discover it, develop it, and deploy it!

Reflection - Do I live life on purpose? If not, how can I discover it?

Prayer - God I want to know your purpose for my life. I want to spend my life serving your purpose. Help me grow in an understanding of your will for me.

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