Day Seven

Day Seven

January 13, 2024
Prayer focus - The lost

Scripture - Luke 15 (read whole chapter)

Devotion - What is of most value to you? I hope that the first thing that comes to mind is a person, or maybe your family as a whole. The reason people are most valuable to us is because people are most valuable to God. He has deposited that value system in us. Where God leaves us in the dust, though, is His passionate love for all of humanity. The people across the world that you don’t know about, the people across town that you don’t even know their name… He knows the number of hairs on their head and He loves every single one. God is in the people business, and thankfully for you and me, He’s not just in the “good” people business. Jesus loves lost people, and haven’t we all been lost before? He shows us this love through three parables in Luke 15. God loves and values all people, hoping that all people everywhere would come to know the saving knowledge and power of His only Son, Jesus.

Reflection - Who do I know that doesn’t know Jesus? How can I share Him with them today?

Prayer - I pray that You would give me Your eyes and heart to see those which are lost through Your perspective. I pray that You would give me a passion to see those who are lost come to the knowledge of Jesus’s sacrifice for them. Help me share the hope of the Good News to those around me. Give me a burden to see people brought into the family of God.

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